University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Spouses and Partners Group
November 2017 Newsletter
Dear Friends,
In this unusually warm month it’s hard to believe that all the leaves will soon start falling! But the Fall is surely in the air. Just as surely as the seasons change, throughout the year we have new members come from around the world to enrich our group. It’s my pleasure to welcome the following members:
Valeria Zarza (Argentina)
Akmarzhan Kasmaganbetova (Kazakhstan)
Natalia Gurtz (Russia)
Welcome, Valeria, Akmarzhan, and Natalia! We look forward to learning more about you and you the cultures you come from!
Every Wednesday we meet at the FedEx Global Education Center to practice English . It is a fantastic way to meet new people and make friends! For more information please contact Lola Tasar at
Our group offers free meditation classes twice a week. The first is on Mondays at 10 AM in Room 2008 at the FedEx Global Education Center. The timing and location of the second class changes weekly. Please contact Ruth Pineda at for more information. A big thank you to Ruth for her dedication and for running such fantastic meditation classes!
We also have a book club that meets every other week on Thursdays from 10-12 in Room 2008. The next meeting will be after the Thanksgiving holiday. For more information please contact Rimsha Khan at Thank you so much, Rimsha, for your creatives ideas and for the engaging topics you develop for the meetings.
If you have a talent or specific interest, please consider starting an interest club or weekly meeting group!
Thanksgiving Potluck: On November 17 we had our annual potluck at Baity Hill. It was a wonderful way to celebrate our community over good food. Many of our members brought dishes from their home countries making this a truly international event! The people who enjoyed it the most, however, I think were the children. Just see the pictures below!
Everybody who attended went around the room and shared what they were thankful for. There was a real Thanksgiving spirit at this potluck!
A special thank you to Dr. Barnum, the director of ISSS, for making this wonderful event possible!
Upcoming Events:
November 26: Downtown Holiday Tree Lighting Ceremony, University Baptist Church, Chapel Hill, 6-7 PM. Free.
November 29: Pajama Story Time, Chapel Hill Public LIbrary, 7-7:30 PM. Free.
December 2-3: Carolina Ballet, Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker, UNC Memorial Hall. See website for ticket prices and full details.
December 3: Kidzu Children’s Museum, Chapel Hill. Free Admission 1-5 PM
December 3: Bazaar Craft and Art Market. 140 W Franklin St. Chapel Hill. 12 PM
December 9: Chapel Hill / Carrboro Holiday Parade, Franklin St., 10 AM.